The Myrin-James Ironton American Legion Post 443 is looking to form a Chapter of the American Legion Riders.


The be eligible to become a member of the Legion Riders, one must:


    1: Be a member in good standing of the American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary or Sons of the American Legion. Membership can be applied for one of these along with the Legion Rider Membership if one is not currently a member. **This membership does not specifically have to be with the Ironton American Legion.**

    2: Riders must be a registered owner (or spouse of owner) of a motorcycle.

    3: Must be licensed with an appropriate motorcycle endorsement or permit.

    4: Have insurance coverage meeting at least the state minimum standard.

    5: Must, at all times, follow all laws, rules and regulations.


If you are interested in becoming a member, please contact, or contact us here.


For more information on the American Legion Riders, visit